How to help ukrainian refugees in montreal? A pianist offers free music lessons!

When thinking about how to help ukrainian refugees in Montreal, Olga Kudriakova decided they would offer free piano lessons to Ukrainian refugees who fled the war. Imagine beautiful piano music filling a room in Montreal. That’s where Olga and Maxim, two Ukrainian and Russian pianists, use their talent to help others. Music is more than

How to help ukrainian refugees in montreal? A pianist offers free music lessons! Read More »

Are Music Lessons Tax Deductible in Canada? We answer all your questions!

When it comes to pursuing a passion for music or fostering your child’s musical talents, the question of taxation often arises. Are music lessons taxable, and are music lessons tax deductable(can you benefit from tax deductions or credits in Canada)? In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the tax implications associated with

Are Music Lessons Tax Deductible in Canada? We answer all your questions! Read More »

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