After receiving confirmation that a student purchased a package of lessons with you, you can pre-schedule all the lessons at once in the admin system. This is possible since in most cases, lessons will unfold once per week at the same time each week.
*Pre-scheduling lessons is the most efficient way to schedule all the lessons in a package, because it minimizes your required admin time.
- To pre-schedule a group of lessons, you must first schedule one lesson.
- Then, on that specific lesson page, select Actions -> Repeat
- Fill in the required fields, while making sure to select:
- weekly
- once per week (the #1)
- check the box of the day on which the lesson takes place
- select stop after
- enter the total amount of lessons (including the first one that you scheduled)
- Press check conflicts to save (if you have lessons already scheduled on one of the dates, the system will block your request.)