Welcome to Musiprof! Please complete the following lessons in the order that they are presented. Lessons that contain a quiz will need to be successfully passed before marking the lesson complete and moving on.
- Please bookmark this link so you can return to it when you need to. (the login on Musiprof.com is for the admin system and not this course).
- Complete the lessons and quizzes in the How it works section (approx. 30-45 min).
- Next, set up your teacher profile while following the setting up your profile lesson.
- Finally, work through the lessons on how to use the administration system (approx. 45min). Once you’ve passed the short quiz at the end, you will receive a certificate.
- Please email the certificate to: [email protected]
- We will then review your profile. Once approved, it will be displayed on the site and you can begin accepting new students.